Relocation Assistance Program
Class Schedules & Contact Info
The Relocation Assistance Program provides a continuum of relocation programs and services appropriate to service members and their families whether CONUS or OCONUS. Congress passed legislation mandating the planning of standardized relocation programs throughout the Department of Defense.
Our target audience is Military members, their families and non-foreign hire DOD civilian employees in overseas locations.
We provide the following Relocation Assistance Programs:
- Information and Referral
- RAP Resource Center
- Relocation Counseling
Workshops include but are not limited to the following:
- Command Relocation/Indoc Brief - Fun and interactive overview of FFSC services and programs available to incoming service members.
- Smooth Move - This class is designed for those moving anywhere in the U.S. or overseas. Receive expert information about travel and pay, household goods shipments, stress management, budgeting for your move, housing concerns, moving with kids, plus specific overseas information.
- Moving with an Exceptional Family Member - Navigation planning with military, federal, state and local disability-related benefits and resources to support informed family decisions at the time of relocation for PCS.
- Sponsor Orientation - This training teaches Navy personnel to serve as sponsors. Topics include ways to be an effective sponsor, duties and responsibilities, military and community sources of help, and FFSC relocation assistance.
- New Spouse Orientation - Whether you are a new Navy spouse or you have been around awhile, sometimes you wonder if you moved to another planet! The Navy has its own language, traditions and customs. Everything can seem so different! How are you supposed to understand life on this planet? Make your local FFSC one of your first stops in your new Navy adventure. You can attend a workshop and meet other new Navy spouses, gather informational materials, get help with finding a job or a volunteer opportunity or learn about educational opportunities.
- Foreign-Born Spouse Class - Foreign-born spouses often feel alone when they marry their American Sailor. The immigration and acculturation process is quite challenging. This training is an effort to help understand the challenges foreign-born spouses and their families face and what is required for entry to the United States with their new husband or wife.
We also have a Loan Locker housed at the Community Recreation Office. The Community Recreation Office can be reached at 301-342-3648 or 301-342-3508.
Please contact us to register for one of our classes or set up an appointment to discuss any relocation concerns.