West Basin Marina


Hours of Operation:

Monday - Sunday 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


  • Credit Card Payments Only


The West Basin Marina has Canoe, Kayak & Stand Up Paddle Board Rentals; click here for details.

Campground Reservations available by calling us at 301-342-3573.


The West Basin Marina is a year-round facility offering over 198 pier slips and 44 floating slips with water and electrical hookups. There is a pump-out station and a bathhouse with showers and laundry. The marina also offers a boat ramp and dry storage.


Slips will be assigned for annual occupancy as available through the Marina Office.  The Marina Manager has the authority to reassign mooring as necessary to provide the maximum use of the slips and dry storage.  The standby limit is six months.  Priority for reservations is as follows, based on the date of applications: 1) active duty and reserve, 2) retired military, and 3) active and retired DoD civilians.

Other amenities:

  • Sailing lessons are available through the Navy Patuxent Sail Club, located adjacent to the Marina building. Sailing instruction programs and the Sailing Club provide plenty of activities for the yachting enthusiast.


Item  Cost
One Year Contract Slip Rental with water & electric/ft.   $80
Seasonal Contract Slip Rental (April - October) with water & electric/ft.   $60
Monthly Contract Slip Rental with water & electric/ft.  $10
Transient Per Night Authorized Patrons   $44
Dry Storage Per Year  $475 
Limited Dry Short-Term Storage Per Month (boats up to 30ft. w/trailer)  $40


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For information on renting sailboats, check out the following website, located next door to the West Basin Marina: www.navypaxsail.com