The Fleet & Family Support Center (FFSC) will host two free career-readiness classes in the month of July. Classes are available to all with base access.
The FFSC is located at 21993 Bundy Road, Building 2090. To register for classes, call 301-342-4911.
July 10, 10 a.m.-noon.: Effective Resumes
In person at the FFSC
This interactive training will review the basic types of resumes, which types are appropriate for different job seekers and what information should be included on each. It will also discuss the essential elements of cover letters to use in conjunction with the resume and how to market a resume effectively in the current job market. The training permits time for learners to draft an effective resume.
July 15, 10 a.m.-Noon: Interview Skills
Virtual via Teams
This interactive training session discusses the interview process, including traditional and behavioral interviewing questions, as well as methods for responding to these questions using the STAR (situation, task, action, result) method. Resources will be discussed, and learners will have the opportunity to practice their interview skills with an employment coach or learning partner.